Wednesday, 26 October 2016

What's your favourite song? 

Most of the people have their favourite singer or band. They go to all the concerts, have all the CDs, posters, autographs and photos. Their also have a favourite song. That one special song, which they love, which makes them cry of commotion. It's also true that most people that I know like one kind of music. They are also part of groups defined by the music they listen to. So there we have havy metal, long hair boys, some crazy punks with colorful hair, techno music lovers and those who like everything that they hear on the radio. I can not include myself to any of theese groups, because I like a lot of kind's of music! Music was always present at my family home. We listened to the music while doing literally everything. Cooking, cleaning, decorating christmas tree.. without music it was just boring and annoiyng. I still have thousands of strange CDs and each of them is special for me. I choose to listen to them in base of my mood. The are "happy days", "sad days", "rainy days" CDs. Cds for dance, for sing, for party, for house cleaning and for unload the anger. 

Once I was at some party with my friends, and (how it usually is at the parties) different music was played. I was enyoiyng it because I've heard a lot of songs that I didn't know at the time, It's always nice to listen to something new. We started to talk about the music in general, and when I was asked about my musical preferencies I told that I have a lot of favuorites bands, singers and songs. One of the girl looked at me suprised and told me that I'm must to be so immature and that I must have no idea about music at all. That left me spechless for a while for two reasons. First of all I really wasn't prepare for this kind of words, specially during such fun and nice evening. And secondly, I never thought that way. I was always sure that my taste in music is actually quite good and the fact that I listen to different kinds of music is beaucuse I just love it. Sometimes the lyrics catch me first, sometimes is the melody that make me pay attention to a song, and some of the times I know that I will like the song from the begining, from the firts chords I hear. 

I most clearly know what kind of music I don't like. I can specify this without a doubt and make a list of bands, singers and songs that I dislike, detest and even hate. Some songs make me wanna throw the radio away. The worst is always when it comes to travel at the bus when I don't have any possibility to change the radio station. Or when my roomate decide to listen music out loud, I can't even blame her because sometimes I also do the same, so I just must suffer and wait till it ends. 
Basicly, when it comes to say what's my favourite song I must to think about it for ages and ages because "I just like stuff", some of them more, some of them less but still. And when it comes to say what I truly deteste the anserw is always ready. While writing this I was thinking about my truly favourite top10 songs and after longs conteplations, I choose the following:

1 comment:

  1. I checked all the links you've suggested and.. I must admit that your music taste is totally opposed to what is my music choice, but it's totally ok! I would never had the nerve to tell you that what you do is immature! On the contraty, it is something everybody should do. Listening to one gender of music blocks the expansion of horizons. What is more, it is recommended for young musicans (and not only those young ones) to listen to various kinds of music as it helps to develop their ear for music and musical sensitivity. That girl told you something really absurd and should be ashamed.
    Anyway, I am now listening to Chet Faker, thank you very much because, being today bored to death with my favourite bands and songs, I was seeking for something new to listen to :).
